🔒 Privacy ​
By being a quasi-security tool, logga takes privacy seriously. Our guiding principles are:
- avoid making network requests
- don't store any data remotely
This makes our life easier and hopefully increases your sleep quality.
Today ​
As of today, logga only collects and persists logs locally in documented locations.
- logga doesn't do anything that isn't documented
- logga doesn't collect any telemetry data
- logga don't collect or store any customer data.
This will hold true during the whole beta period. The only way we plan to collect feedback / complaints is via Github issues or emails.
In the future ​
As logga is an Endpoint Security system extension, we cannot distribute it via App Store. To be able to charge money for logga, we will need to build a payment & licensing solution in the future. For that, we will need to start storing some data. We promise to collect only the essential data points and to document everything.