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Access logs

good to know

Although you can choose from multiple formats for audit logs, access logs currently only support JSON formatting.

logga collects three distinct sets of logs:

  • Process execution logs, which we simply call audit logs.
  • Authentication, privilege escalation, and other system-related audit logs, which we collectively call access logs.
  • Unified logs, which filters & persists requested macOS unified logs.

The list below collects all the authentication, privilege escalation, and other system-related event types that trigger access logging. Please note that the timestamp doesn't indicate when the actual login / auth / etc execution happened but rather when the event was triggered. However, the difference should be only a few milliseconds.

  • authentication
    • open directory (Open Directory based authentication events)
    • touchID (Login or prompt authorization via Touch ID)
    • token (Cryptographic Token authentication events)
    • auto unlock (automatic unlock by Apple Watch)
  • screensharing
    • attach (Login via VNC)
    • detach (Logout via VNC)
  • ssh
    • login (Login via ssh)
    • logout (Logout via ssh)
  • /usr/bin/login
    • login (Login via the /usr/bin/login utility)
    • logout (Logout via the /usr/bin/login utility)
  • su (su invocations)
  • sudo (sudo invocations)
  • LoginWindow (Events via the Login UI)
    • lock
    • unlock
    • login
    • logout
  • mounting
    • mount (Mounting filesystems)
    • unmount (Unmounting filesystems)
  • kexts
    • kextload (Loading Legacy Kernel Extensions)
    • kextunload (Unloading Legacy Kernel Extensions)

Log structure


The outer keys are common for each authentication log types. The data key different: it stores the exect event details.

  "log": {
    "data": {},
    "event": "authentication",
    "success": true,
    "type": "od"
  "timestamp": "2023-09-17T21:26:04.716Z"

timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string

Always authentication for authentication events.

success - bool

Whether the authentication event was successful.

type - string

Values: od, token, touchID, auto unlock, unknown

data - object

Different content based on the event types. See the next section for examples.

Example authentication payloads

Open Directory event
  "log": {
    "data": {
      "db_path": "/var/db/dslocal/nodes//Default",
      "instigator": {
        "audit_token": {
          "auid": 501,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 40591,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "executable": "/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/authorizationhost.bundle/Contents/MacOS/authorizationhost",
        "is_platform_binary": true,
        "parent_audit_token": {
          "auid": 4294967295,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 1,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "responsible_audit_token": {
          "auid": 501,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 40591,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "session_id": 40591,
        "team_id": null,
        "timestamp": "2023-09-17T21:26:04.695Z",
        "tty": "unknown"
      "node_name": "/Local/Default",
      "record_name": "administrator",
      "record_type": "Users"
    "event": "authentication",
    "success": true,
    "type": "od"
  "timestamp": "2023-09-17T21:26:04.716Z"
TouchID event
  "log": {
    "data": {
      "has_uid": true,
      "instigator": {
        "audit_token": {
          "auid": 4294967295,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 534,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "executable": "/System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framework/Support/coreauthd",
        "is_platform_binary": true,
        "parent_audit_token": {
          "auid": 4294967295,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 1,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "responsible_audit_token": {
          "auid": 4294967295,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 534,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "session_id": 534,
        "team_id": null,
        "timestamp": "2023-04-28T17:26:10.683Z",
        "tty": "unknown"
      "mode": "verification",
      "uid": 501
    "event": "authentication",
    "success": true,
    "type": "touchID"
  "timestamp": "2023-05-01T20:08:51.192Z"
Token event
  "log": {
    "data": {
      "instigator": {
        "audit_token": {
          "auid": 4294967295,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 534,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "executable": "/System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framework/Support/coreauthd",
        "is_platform_binary": true,
        "parent_audit_token": {
          "auid": 4294967295,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 1,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "responsible_audit_token": {
          "auid": 4294967295,
          "egid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "group": "wheel",
          "pid": 534,
          "uid": 0,
          "username": "root"
        "session_id": 534,
        "team_id": null,
        "timestamp": "2023-04-28T17:26:10.683Z",
        "tty": "unknown"
      "pubkey_hash": "a6a5f64a4a6a89a7",
      "token_id": "123",
      "kerberos_principal": "administrator"
    "event": "authentication",
    "success": true,
    "type": "token"
  "timestamp": "2023-05-01T20:08:51.192Z"
Auto Unlock event
  "log": {
    "data": {
      "type": "machine_unlock_by_apple_watch",
      "username": "administrator"
    "event": "authentication",
    "success": false,
    "type": "aurhorized_by_apple_watch"
  "timestamp": "2023-05-02T20:22:15.702Z"



timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

auth_type - string

Type of authentication.

auth_username - string

VNC login username.

event - string


existing_session - string

True if there was an existing user session.

graphical_session_id - Int

Graphical session id of the screen shared.

session_username - string

Username of the loginwindow session.

source_address - string

Source address of connection.

source_address_type - string

ipv4 or ipv6

success - bool

If the connection was successful.

viewer_apple_id - string

For screen sharing initiated using an Apple ID (e.g., from Messages or FaceTime), this is the viewer's (client's) Apple ID.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


graphical_session_id - Int

Graphical session id of the screen shared.

source_address - string

Source address of connection.

source_address_type - string

ipv4 or ipv6

viewer_apple_id - string

For screen sharing initiated using an Apple ID (e.g., from Messages or FaceTime), this is the viewer's (client's) Apple ID.

Example Screensharing payloads

  "log": {
    "auth_type": "DH",
    "auth_username": "administrator",
    "event": "screensharing_attach",
    "existing_session": true,
    "graphical_session_id": 257,
    "session_username": "administrator",
    "source_address": "",
    "source_address_type": "ipv4",
    "success": true,
    "viewer_apple_id": ""
  "timestamp": "2023-09-20T21:13:22.055Z"
  "log": {
    "event": "screensharing_detach",
    "graphical_session_id": 257,
    "source_address": "",
    "source_address_type": "ipv4",
    "viewer_apple_id": ""
  "timestamp": "2023-09-20T21:13:31.537Z"



timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


has_uid - bool

Describes whether or not the uid of the user logged in is available.

result_type - string

Result type for the login attempt.

source_address - string

Source address of connection.

source_address_type - string

ipv4 or ipv6

success - bool

True if login was successful.

uid - Int

uid of user that was logged in.

username - String

Username used for login.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


source_address - string

Source address of connection.

source_address_type - string

ipv4 or ipv6

uid - Int

uid of user that was logged in.

username - String

Username used for login.

Example SSH payloads

openssh login
  "log": {
    "event": "openssh_login",
    "has_uid": true,
    "result_type": "auth_fail_public_key",
    "source_address": "::1",
    "source_address_type": "ipv6",
    "success": false,
    "uid": 501,
    "username": "administrator"
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:15:35.745Z"
openssh logout
  "log": {
    "event": "openssh_logout",
    "source_address": "::1",
    "source_address_type": "ipv6",
    "uid": 501,
    "username": "administrator"
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:15:35.745Z"



timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


has_uid - bool

Describes whether or not the uid of the user logged in is available.

uid - Int

uid of user that was logged in.

success - bool

Whether the authentication event was successful.

username - String

Username used for login.

failure_message - String

The reason the login failed.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


uid - Int

uid of user that was logged in.

username - String

Username used for login.

Example /usr/bin/login payloads

  "log": {
    "event": "login",
    "failure_message": "",
    "has_uid": true,
    "success": true,
    "uid": 501,
    "username": "administrator"
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:16:08.869Z"
  "log": {
    "event": "logout",
    "uid": 501,
    "username": "administrator"
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:16:08.869Z"


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string

Always su for su events.

success - bool

Whether su event was successful.

failure_message - string

If success was false, failure message contains the reason.

from_uid - Int

The uid of the user who initiated the su.

from_username - string

If success was true, the user name that is going to be substituted.

has_to_uid - Int

If success was true, describes whether or not the to_uid is interpretable.

#### to_uid - Int

If success was true, the user ID that is going to be substituted.

to_username - string

If success was true, the user name that is going to be substituted.

shell - string

If success was true, the shell is going to execute.

args - string array

If success was true, the arguments are passed into to the shell.

env - string array

If success was true, list of environment variables that is going to be substituted.

Example su payloads

su event
  "log": {
    "event": "su",
    "success": true,
    "failure_message": "",
    "from_uid": 501,
    "from_username": "administrator",
    "has_to_uid": true,
    "to_uid": 1,
    "to_username": "root",
    "shell": "bash",
    "args": [],
    "env": []
  "timestamp": "2023-09-17T21:26:04.716Z"


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string

Always sudo for sudo events.

success - bool

Whether sudo event was successful.

reject_info - string

If success was false, reject info contains the reason.

from_uid - Int

The uid of the user who initiated the su.

from_username - string

If success was true, the user name that is going to be substituted.

has_from_uid - Int

If success was true, describes whether or not the from_uid is interpretable.

has_to_uid - Int

If success was true, describes whether or not the to_uid is interpretable.

#### to_uid - Int

If success was true, the user ID that is going to be substituted.

to_username - string

If success was true, the user name that is going to be substituted.

command - string

The command to be run.

Example sudo payloads

sudo event
  "log": {
    "event": "sudo",
    "success": true,
    "reject_info": "",
    "from_uid": 501,
    "from_username": "administrator",
    "has_to_uid": true,
    "has_from_uid": true,
    "to_uid": 1,
    "to_username": "root",
    "command": "date",
  "timestamp": "2023-09-17T21:26:04.716Z"



timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


username - string

The user logged in via Login Window (Desktop login GUI).

graphical_user_id - string

Graphical session id of the session.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


username - string

The user logged in via Login Window (Desktop login GUI).

graphical_user_id - string

Graphical session id of the session.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


username - string

The user logged in via Login Window (Desktop login GUI).

graphical_user_id - string

Graphical session id of the session.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


username - string

The user logged in via Login Window (Desktop login GUI).

graphical_user_id - string

Graphical session id of the session.

Example LoginWindow payloads

  "log": {
    "event": "lw_session_login",
    "username": "administrator",
    "graphical_user_id": 15
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:16:08.869Z"
  "log": {
    "event": "lw_session_logout",
    "username": "administrator",
    "graphical_user_id": 15
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:16:08.869Z"
  "log": {
    "event": "lw_session_lock",
    "username": "administrator",
    "graphical_user_id": 15
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:16:08.869Z"
  "log": {
    "event": "lw_session_unlock",
    "username": "administrator",
    "graphical_user_id": 15
  "timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:16:08.869Z"


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


f_bavail - Int

Free blocks avail to non-superuser.

f_bfree - Int

Free blocks in fs.

f_blocks - Int

Total data blocks in file system.

f_bsize - Int

Fundamental file system block size.

f_ffree - Int

Free file nodes in fs.

f_files - Int

Total file nodes in file system.

f_flags - Int

Copy of mount exported flags.

f_flags_ext - Int

Extended flag.

f_fsid - Int

File system id.

f_fssubtype - Int

Fs sub-type.

f_fstypename - String

Fs type name.

f_iosize - Int

Optimal transfer block size.

f_mntfromname - String

Mounted filesystem.

f_mntonname - String

Directory on which mounted.

f_owner - Int

User that mounted the filesystem.

f_type - Int

Type of filesystem.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


f_bavail - Int

Free blocks avail to non-superuser.

f_bfree - Int

Free blocks in fs.

f_blocks - Int

Total data blocks in file system.

f_bsize - Int

Fundamental file system block size.

f_ffree - Int

Free file nodes in fs.

f_files - Int

Total file nodes in file system.

f_flags - Int

Copy of mount exported flags.

f_flags_ext - Int

Extended flag.

f_fsid - Int

File system id.

f_fssubtype - Int

Fs sub-type.

f_fstypename - String

Fs type name.

f_iosize - Int

Optimal transfer block size.

f_mntfromname - String

Mounted filesystem.

f_mntonname - String

Directory on which mounted.

f_owner - Int

User that mounted the filesystem.

f_type - Int

Type of filesystem.

Example mount payloads

mount event
  "log": {
    "event": "mount",
    "f_bavail": 375960,
    "f_bfree": 375960,
    "f_blocks": 467752,
    "f_bsize": 131072,
    "f_ffree": 0,
    "f_files": 0,
    "f_flags": 2101784,
    "f_flags_ext": 0,
    "f_fsid": "1677722830",
    "f_fstypename": "exfat",
    "f_iosize": 131072,
    "f_mntfromname": "/dev/disk2s2",
    "f_mntonname": "/Volumes/pendrive",
    "f_owner": 0,
    "f_type": 30
  "timestamp": "2023-12-19T22:31:08.653Z"
unmount event
  "log": {
    "event": "unmount",
    "f_bavail": 375958,
    "f_bfree": 375958,
    "f_blocks": 467752,
    "f_bsize": 131072,
    "f_ffree": 375958,
    "f_files": 467752,
    "f_flags": 2101784,
    "f_flags_ext": 0,
    "f_fsid": "1677722830",
    "f_fstypename": "exfat",
    "f_iosize": 131072,
    "f_mntfromname": "/dev/disk2s2",
    "f_mntonname": "/Volumes/pendrive",
    "f_owner": 0,
    "f_type": 30
  "timestamp": "2023-12-19T22:29:03.821Z"


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


identifier - string

The signing identifier of the kext being loaded.


timestamp - string

Event timestamp.

log - object

Parent key wrapping the log payload.

event - string


identifier - string

The signing identifier of the kext being loaded.

Example kext payloads

kextload event
  "log": {
    "event": "kextload",
    "identifier": ""
  "timestamp": "2023-12-19T22:31:08.653Z"
kextunload event
  "log": {
    "event": "kextunload",
    "identifier": ""
  "timestamp": "2023-12-19T22:31:08.653Z"